
Sakura Friendship
- International exchange -


About Sakura friendship

Sakura friendship is a Japanese website, hoping to share fun information around the world. If you are interested in Japan, please check The views in Japan and Japanese practice. I hope you enjoy knowing Japan through them.

On other pages, you can join two internet forums. Your posts are welcome on both of them, so please visit and look at the details on each page.

The webmaster graduated from the University of foreign studies (majored in an Asian language) and worked for a travel company etc.

Lastly, the title Sakura means cherry blossoms. It is the symbol of Japan and my favorite, but this website has nothing to do with flowers. Thank you.


Sakura Friendship
appeared in this book.
(and then redesigned)

Sakura Friendshipについて

Sakura Friendshipのホームページは、ランゲッジ・パートナーやペンパルを探したり、外国や日本の文化を紹介し合ったりして楽しんで頂ければ幸いです。


About the webmaster

The webmaster is interested
in world culture.